Kids costumes

As Halloween nears, posts on the site may come less frequently.  I have a lot still to build, plus a life outside of the haunt, but fear not, as I will continue to update you on all things Haunt on the Hill as they happen.

Today however, I want your opinion on kids’ costumes for Halloween.  Cute or creepy.  Let the debate begin!

I have no children of my own yet, but I do have a nephew and a niece and I have taken it on as my responsibility to teach these monsters about all things Halloween. مواقع تقبل الدفع paypal   I let my nephew name some of my props, that way he isn’t scared of them.

I take him to Halloween stores to pick out his costume too.  There’s only so much I can do though.  When he says he wants to be a Power Ranger, I cringe and say, “wouldn’t you rather be a scary skeleton or a zombie?”  Alas, television has dictated what he should be and I no longer have the control to dress him as I please, like I did when he was a baby.  To clarify, he just turned six.

My niece of the other hand is only two, so while she may not understand Halloween, she can somewhat be forced into a costume for the minute it takes for both grandmothers to “ooh” and “aww”.  Then she cries to be set free.

Here are some pictures of The Sampire and Rosie Pumpkin-head from over the years.

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Now, for those of you who have children, what do they dress as?  Do you go traditional Halloween and go with witches and bed sheet ghosts? ٧٧٧   Are they too obsessed with TV characters and dress up as them?  Do you put your baby in the most obnoxiously cute costume you can find, or do you horror them up? سن اجويرو   Share below!

One Response to “Kids costumes”

  • Gus:

    It’s proper halloween or nothing!
    Our 6 year old is now understanding scarier is more fun on the night!
    (mind you she sleeps with a zombie in her room)
    I would be appalled if it were all cutesy, & in fact goad children & parents who turn up as princesses & fairys etc, the kids in “proper” dress & well thought out outfits that are not shop bought often get much better sweets, more too & often a seperate goody bag eg Pez dispensers on top of everything else.

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