Yay for updates!

Hello my fine friends,

Today I come to you with news of what I have been up to.  My job, as cool as it is, also provides me with lots of downtime at the moment. موقع بى اوت كيو   This will not be the case in September and October when I will basically have no time to breath, let alone work on my own haunt. لعبة اونلاين   That being said, I have been using all this current free time to get a jump start on a long list of things that I have planned for Haunt on the Hill.  I will post the official list of props, like I always do, later in the summer.  This is just to wet your whistle and tease you:

The jail cell I mentioned in a previous post is done minus painting!
I have built four pumpkin stands to give my jack-o-lanterns the attention they deserve. كاس كوبا امريكا 2024
I am in the midst of fixing up the opening/closing coffin, so that for once it will work without fail!
Once that is done, I will be moving on to some top secret new projects, but what I can tell you is that there will be MANY new additions to the haunt.

If you have been coming to the haunt year after year, you may have noticed that not much changes in the mad lab each year and this will be the first big OVERHAUL of the mad lab.  It will be great and slightly INTERACTIVE!

I will also be attending my first ever convention in just a matter of days, the Midwest Haunters Convention, in Columbus, Ohio!  I’m sure I will come back with many goodies and will try to snap some pics of them to share with you.

That is all for now!  Happy haunting,


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Countdown To Halloween

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