2011 pictures and maybe I like to procrastinate?

In 2011 Haunt on the Hill had its final year of fear.  You probably assumed that as such, I would make sure to take lots of pictures.  You would be correct.  I had two people constantly taking pictures all night.  I even uploaded those pictures to my laptop.  Then, well then I forgot about them!  Actually, I’m not really sure what happened.  Maybe I was overcome with exhaustion after Halloween.  Maybe I was overwhelmed with emotions from retiring after 13 years of haunting the hills.  Maybe I’m lazy.  In reality, it was a bit of all three of those things.  However, I rediscovered the pictures last night and spent many hours getting them on the site today.  So, two years later, without further ado, here are the pictures from Haunt on the Hill 2011!

And this year at the mini-haunt I am doing at my sister’s house, I will make sure to take pictures!  Expect them in 2015!  I kid!


Rachel “Wednesday Addams” Brown

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