Site I Like is back!

Big announcement about the haunt coming soon, but first for some fun:

When I first started doing the whole “Site I like” feature, I had only a couple of haunts in mind.  One was very local to me, as in it’s an Ontario based haunt and some of the others were just sites and haunts I really liked. ivermectina tab 6 mg   Then one day I came across the ultimate in home haunting perfection.  It wasn’t animatronics or fancy pneumatics that made this site stand out to me. ivermectin mange pills for large dogs   It was one simple picture that did it.  I saw this picture and I just knew this is the haunt that I would look up to.  This is the haunt that blows my mind away because the guy that runs it, gets what I get. ivermectin subcutaneous ice pack   He understands that placement of props is exceedingly important and it’s the way that all the small details work together to create an overall feeling of eeriness.  It goes beyond simply throwing store bought props on a front lawn and calling it a day.  I can go on and on, but you’re probably wondering why I haven’t divulged the site yet.  So, with out further ado, here is the Site I Like and the image that captivated me for so long.


Spider Rider’s Halloween:

I  have nothing more to add to this post than to say, please look at the depth of this picture and tell me you think it’s as incredible as I do.  This is the haunt my haunt strives to be!  Steven Parmley, you sir are my idol!

Visit Spider Riders web site here

Check back for more Site I Likes in the future or suggest one by clicking here!

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Countdown To Halloween

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