Costumes for Kids
As you may be well aware, Haunt on the Hill makes great efforts to raise money for The SickKids Foundation, a charity that hits close to home, as it benifits a local children’s hospital. However, there are many other great charities out there worth supporting and one in particular that I am proud to bring to your attention is Costumes for Kids.
Run by my friend and producer of Rotting Flesh Radio, Jonathan Johnson, Costumes for Kids collects new or used costumes and make-up for disabled children to give them the Halloween they deserve. Everyone always has old clothes and costumes lying around the house and this is a way to put them to good use. Halloween might be a few months away still, but the earlier you donate the better. قوانين الاونو I also know that Jonathan is currently looking for sponsors to help out, so I thought I would mention that here as well.
If you want to donate to Costumes for Kids click here
If you want to donate to The SickKids Foundation click here
Thanks for the help and happy haunting! مواقع ألعاب اون لاين Come back on Friday for a look at projection haunting with two of the most awesomest guys, Dave Bates and Mark Gervais! العاب بوكر