Archive for the ‘other’ Category
Post Mortem 2014!
Another Halloween has come and gone. Pictures will be up really soon along with video and this time I mean it because I actually have them in my possession for a change. However, I am dead tired after all this, so it will have to wait till I’m a functional human being again.
Pumpkins on Pendrith was a huge success. We had lots of compliments. It was a totally different experience for me, as I used to simply add to an existing theme and this year I changed it up entirely. There were no tombstone or coffins. It wasn’t meant to scare. It was meant to delight and it definitely did. Children loved it, but more than anything, adults were blown away and that means so much to me. Getting thanks for bringing this to their neighbourhood is one of the many reasons I do this insane thing every year. I bring something to families that they may not otherwise see. For one evening I bring others joy. It is a wonderful feeling. The aches afterwards are not though!
As always though, I like to thank people after Halloween is over and I have many to thank:
Mom – You are by far the most giving person I know and your help with Halloween was exceedingly appreciative. I don’t even know what else to say about all you have done. You are my hero. You put others before yourself always and that is an amazing trait. Plus, it was your idea to do a whole pumpkin theme.
Dad – You helped as well. You gutted so many pumpkins! You carried things and put up with me when I was freaking out over various things. Year after year you help me. I am very grateful. I could not do this without the support you and mom give me!
Mike – You know you are with the right guy when he’s willing to shave off his beard because it doesn’t go with his costume! (Please grow it back now). You have always helped me with my insane hobby and I couldn’t be happier that I am slowly converting you into a haunter! Thanks for everything Wreck-It-Mike!
Rosie – My six year old niece informed me that she feels the movie Frozen is overdone. That right there earns you major points! Instead of being some stupid princess, you were the most awesomest vampire I have ever seen. And you were a wonderful candy hander-outter!
Sam – My 10 year old nephew. For the first time, you carved a pumpkin all on your own and not just any pumpkin. I challenged you with a stencil and you took it on. You were patient and it turned out great for your first time!
I would also like to thank my brother-in-law Marc for not killing me for taking over his house!
Isaac – my 3 year old nephew. You didn’t help with anything, but you were the best Dr. Octopus ever!
And lastly, the people of Pendrith and surrounding streets. Thanks for your words of kindness and for donating to The SickKids Foundation. I loved hearing your stories about what your kids loved from last year and I was surprised they remembered it. You are one of the reasons I do this. You keep me going.
With that I must go put my cell in a bag of rice after it landed in a ginormous puddle. Did I mention it was freezing and raining all day? Check back for video and pictures in the next little while. I want to put together a nice video, but I plan on getting it does soon.
Exhaustingly yours,
Rachel “Wednesday Friday Addams” Brown
Happy Halloween 2014!
A quick greeting from me to you, as I am busy setting up Pumpkins on Pendrith. May your Halloween be amazing and may the weather be less “Canadian”. Have fun and let your kids stay up late this one time! Tomorrow is Saturday after all.
On my national holiday I always like to leave you with quotes from my favourite Halloween songs. And since Jack Skellington is the Pumpkin King and everything is pumpkins this year, I will once again share some words from The Nightmare Before Christmas:
Boys and girls of every age
Wouldn’t you like to see something strange?
Come with us and you will see
This, our town of Halloween
This is Halloween, this is Halloween
Pumpkins scream in the dead of night
This is Halloween, everybody make a scene
Trick or treat till the neighbors gonna die of fright
It’s our town, everybody scream
In this town of Halloween
Hauntingly yours,
Rachel “Wednesday Friday Addams” Brown
Sneaky Peeky!
Firstly, I have decided to bring the donation pumpkin along this year, so please bring whatever spare change you have to donate to The SickKids foundation. You can also donate online through my site. The link is in the menu bar.
As you are well aware if you read my last post, this year’s theme for my display at my sister’s house is, “Pumpkins on Pendrith”. I wasn’t going to give you any previews because I wanted to save everything for Halloween, but many of the people who visit this site won’t actually make it on Halloween. So, with that I’m leaking two videos. Neither of these were taken at my sister’s house mind you, so they will look different once they are properly set up.
The pumpkins waiting to be transported to my sister’s house. Some were carved by me, some by family members. Some are still covered in bags. This is the best I could film before my nephew tried to jump in my way. 10 year olds! Sheesh!
The newest addition to my foray into projection haunting: The Trio of singing Pumpkins! They will be performing more than one song. I suggest you watch till the end, as a special King makes an appearance. And in case you were wondering, (you probably weren’t) I named them Stretch. Fatso, and Stinky after the ghosts from Casper! I should also note that I cannot take credit for the animations. They came from The Singing Pumpkin website.
Enjoy and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me using the contact form on this website.
Rachel Brown
AKA The Pumpkin Queen
Pumpkins on Pendrith!
It has been a while since I updated the site. I say that too often, but it’s true. Life gets in the way of my Halloween fun sometimes because apparently if you want to be able to afford food, or pumpkins in my case, you actually have to work from time to time.
Anyway that being said, I apologize for the lack of pictures from last year’s mini-haunt, but the weather was suckish and nothing turned out well on the camera. The haunt itself was great though and so was the reaction from my sister’s neighbours.
This year, I did not have the time to put up even a mini-haunt like last years, but fear not because I am doing something completely different, while still at my sister’s house. The haunt will be called, “Pumpkins on Pendrith” and will feature over 25 carved pumpkins. There will also be Hallowindow projecting in her window like last year, as it’s easy to set up and is always a hit. اونوا I may, time permitting, add some extras, but the pumpkins are the star this year. Today I, along with excellent helpers, gutted and carved an insane amount of pumpkins. راموس لاعب ريال مدريد I still have a couple left to carve. There will be lighting and the Hallowindow soundtrack. Lots of fun for little ones, as last year was somewhat scary for my sister’s younger neighbourhood.
I’ve also noticed a larger amount of decorated houses this year and I’m super excited that families are getting into the spirit of Halloween!
Anyway, if you’d like to check it out, the address is 153 Pendrith Street near Dupont and Ossington. It will not be set up until the day of.
Oh, and in other news, yours truly is not dressing up as Wednesday Friday Addams, for the first time in years. I have decided to accompany my fiance, who is being Wreck-It-Ralph and make my own custom Vanellope costume, complete with candy in her hair. (I spent Saturday evening hot-gluing gummy bears and other stuff to hair pins).
Happy Halloween,