Taking a break from painting for one minute to tell you all a couple of important things. عمر اللاعب سواريز
Firstly, a friend of mine and a well-known person in the Haunt industry, Jonathan Johnson, has just started a charity organization that collects costumes for disabled and less fortunate kids. For more info, please check out his website here!
Secondly, this year at Haunt on the Hill we will be collecting money for the Hospital for Sick Children! طريقة لعب اونو Several months back I received my donation box from the hospital’s fundraising team and I am working on a special way to display it. شحن نتلر بالكاش يو My goal at the least is to raise $300 for the hospital, but I’m sure I can surpass that with the help of my neighbours and their generous spirit! So kids, find mommy and daddy’s wallets and grab whatever you can!
Ok back to painting because there’s only 34 days left until Halloween 2008!
Saw you on Global this morning. Looks like you’re having a lot of fun this year. Here in Ottawa, we have some of the schools trying to dismiss this festival just as they have Christmas. Too bad, this a great opportunity for children and adults who wish they were children to have some harmless fun. Too many small minded people in this world.
Good luck in your endeavor to raise money for the hospital. By the way, I’m going out dressed like an envelope. When anybody asks what I am, I will just tell them that I’m a stock portfolio. That should scare them.